Ainsworth Larch Remedy Features
Ainsworth Larch Remedy is specifically designed for those who don't hold themselves in high regard. Perhaps you suffer from low confidence and it's effecting your day to day life
Ainsworth Larch Remedy gives those with low self esteem the confidence to believe in themselves and put themselves out there more
Ainsworth Larch Remedy Key Benefits
The positive potential of Larch is expressed in people who are determined, capable, with a realistic sense of self esteem, unworried about failure or success. They are aware of their own potential and work towards achieving it. They are able to take the initiative, to take risks, and refuse to accept the word 'can't'. They use their critical faculties sensibly.
- High quality flower remedy
- Helps relieve feelings of low self esteem, confidence and expectance of failure
- Flower essence features confidence and willingness to succeed
Ainsworth Larch Remedy How To Use
Place 4 drops in a glass of water, if used singly, or for a combination remedy use 2 drops of each
Drops can be added to a baby's bottle or child's fruit juice.
The Bach Flower Remedies can be taken alongside medication, including homeopathic remedies, without any interference at all.
Ainsworth Larch Remedy Ingredients
240 parts Brandy to one part infusion of flowers in water. Alcohol 40% by volume.
Remedies in their concentrated form can be kept for up to five years.