Should You Moisturise Before Self Tanning? Self Tan Tips

Self-tanning is a safe and convenient way to achieve a beautiful, sun-kissed glow without exposing oneself to harmful UV rays. However, it can be confusing to figure out the best way to prepare the skin before self-tanning. One common question that arises is whether or not to moisturise before self-tanning. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of moisturising before self-tanning and provide some tips on how to get the best results.

Why Moisturise Before Self-Tanning?

Moisturising the skin before self-tanning has several benefits. Here are two reasons why:


Moisturising the skin before self-tanning can help to keep it hydrated. Dry skin tends to absorb more self-tanner, which can result in a darker and patchy appearance. Moisturising before self-tanning can help to prevent this by ensuring that the skin is hydrated and ready to absorb the self-tanner more evenly.

Preventing Uneven Application

Moisturising before self-tanning can also help to prevent an uneven application of self-tanner. Dry or rough skin can cause the self-tanner to settle into fine lines and pores, resulting in a patchy appearance. Moisturising beforehand can help to smooth out the skin's texture, making the self-tanner application more even.

Drawbacks of Moisturising Before Self-Tanning

While moisturising before self-tanning has its benefits, it can also have some drawbacks. Here are two reasons why:

Slower Drying Time

Moisturising before self-tanning can slow down the drying time of the self-tanner. This can be an issue if you're in a rush or don't have time to wait for the self-tanner to dry completely. It's important to wait until the moisturiser is fully absorbed before applying the self-tanner to avoid this issue.

Dilution of the Self-Tanner

Moisturising before self-tanning can also dilute the self-tanner, resulting in a lighter and more uneven tan. If you do choose to moisturise before self-tanning, be sure to use a light moisturiser that is specifically designed for use with self-tanners.

Tips for Moisturising Before Self-Tanning

If you do choose to moisturise before self-tanning, there are some tips that can help you get the best results. Here are three tips to keep in mind:

Timing is Key

Timing is crucial when it comes to moisturising before self-tanning. You should moisturise at least a few hours before applying the self-tanner to ensure that the moisturiser is fully absorbed and won't interfere with the self-tanner's application.

Use the Right Moisturiser

When moisturising before self-tanning, it's important to use the right kind of moisturiser. Choose a lightweight moisturiser that won't leave a greasy residue on the skin, as this can interfere with the self-tanner's ability to absorb evenly. Look for a moisturiser that is specifically designed for use with self-tanners, as these products are formulated to provide hydration without affecting the self-tanner's colour or texture.

Exfoliate Before Moisturising

Exfoliating the skin before moisturising can help to remove dead skin cells and create a smooth surface for the self-tanner to adhere to. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or a dry brush to remove any dry or rough patches of skin before applying the moisturiser. Be sure to avoid exfoliating too aggressively, as this can irritate the skin and cause redness or sensitivity.

In conclusion, whether or not to moisturise before self-tanning is a personal preference. Moisturising beforehand can help to hydrate the skin and prevent an uneven application of self-tanner, but it can also slow down the drying time and dilute the self-tanner. If you do choose to moisturise before self-tanning, be sure to follow the tips outlined in this article to get the best results.

Self Tan FAQs

Can I moisturise immediately before self-tanning?

It's best to moisturise at least a few hours before self-tanning to ensure that the moisturiser is fully absorbed and won't interfere with the self-tanner's application.

Can I use any moisturiser before self-tanning?

It's important to choose a lightweight moisturiser that won't leave a greasy residue on the skin and is specifically designed for use with self-tanners.

Should I exfoliate before moisturising or after?

It's best to exfoliate before moisturising to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth surface for the self-tanner to adhere to.

Can I skip moisturising before self-tanning?

While moisturising before self-tanning is not necessary, it can help to hydrate the skin and prevent an uneven application of self-tanner.

How long should I wait after moisturising before applying self-tanner?

It's best to wait at least a few hours to allow the moisturiser to fully absorb and avoid interfering with the self-tanner's application.