What Type of Aids Can I Get For Snoring?

Snoring is a common issue that affects many individuals, leading to disruptions in sleep quality and potential health concerns. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various aids and solutions to address snoring, ranging from lifestyle changes to innovative technological advancements.

Understanding the Causes of Snoring

Sleep Position's Influence

One prominent contributor to snoring is the position in which we sleep. The way our head and neck align with the rest of our body can impact air passage, leading to vibrations in the soft palate and the notorious snoring sound.

Weight and Lifestyle Dynamics

Beyond sleep position, weight and lifestyle choices weave into the snoring narrative. Excess weight, especially around the neck, can exert pressure on the airways, narrowing them and setting the stage for snoring.

Additionally, certain lifestyle habits, such as excessive alcohol consumption or sedative use, can relax the muscles in the throat, amplifying snoring. 

The Importance of Seeking Professional Advice

Consulting with a Sleep Specialist

One powerful way in addressing snoring is consulting with a sleep specialist. These professionals possess a nuanced understanding of sleep disorders, including snoring's various dimensions. Through comprehensive evaluations, which may involve sleep studies and assessments, a sleep specialist can pinpoint the specific triggers unique to an individual.

Understanding the underlying causes of snoring requires a discerning eye, and sleep specialists are equipped with the expertise to decipher the intricate relationship between sleep patterns, breathing irregularities, and potential coexisting conditions.

Their insights provide a roadmap for tailored interventions, steering away from generic approaches towards personalised strategies.

Medical Interventions

While over-the-counter solutions might offer immediate relief for some, others may require more targeted interventions. Professional advice opens the door to a spectrum of medical options. From custom-fitted oral appliances to more advanced treatments, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, sleep specialists can guide individuals towards the most effective and sustainable solutions.

Moreover, understanding the risks and benefits associated with medical interventions is paramount. A sleep specialist can discuss the potential outcomes, helping individuals make informed decisions aligned with their health goals. This insight ensures that the chosen path not only addresses snoring but also considers the broader context of overall well-being.

Over-the-Counter Solutions

Nasal Strips

Nasal strips, a popular OTC solution, work by physically opening nasal passages. These adhesive strips adhere to the outside of the nose, gently lifting and widening the nostrils. By enhancing airflow through the nasal passages, nasal strips aim to reduce the resistance that often contributes to snoring. They're a non-invasive and user-friendly option, suitable for those looking for a quick fix without delving into more complex interventions.

For nasal strips, we recommend Breathe Right's range.

Nasal Dilators

Nasal dilators are small devices inserted into the nostrils to keep them open during sleep. They come in various forms, from adhesive strips to soft, flexible inserts. By preventing the collapse of nasal passages, nasal dilators aim to reduce airway resistance, potentially alleviating snoring. Their simplicity and ease of use make them a convenient choice for individuals looking for non-intrusive remedies.

For nasal dilators, we recommend Snoreeze Nasal Dilator.

Nasal Spray

Nasal sprays designed specifically for snoring often contain ingredients that lubricate the soft tissues in the throat, reducing friction and vibration. These sprays aim to address snoring caused by dry or irritated throat tissues. While their effectiveness may vary from person to person, nasal sprays provide a relatively simple and quick application method for potential relief.

For snoring lozenges, we recommend Snoreeze Nasal Spray.

Snoring Lozenges

Snoring lozenges, infused with ingredients like menthol or eucalyptus, are designed to soothe and lubricate the throat. By addressing throat irritation, they aim to minimise the intensity of snoring sounds. While not a definitive solution for everyone, these lozenges offer a pleasant and easy-to-administer option for individuals exploring OTC remedies.

For snoring lozenges, we recommend Snoreeze Lozenges.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of OTC solutions can vary based on the unique factors contributing to an individual's snoring.

While some may find significant relief through these readily available options, others may need a more tailored approach, perhaps guided by professional advice.

Exploring the array of OTC solutions allows individuals to take proactive steps in managing their snoring, with the flexibility to find what aligns best with their preferences and needs.

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes

Humidifiers and Essential Oils: Creating a Tranquil Atmosphere

Introducing a humidifier to the bedroom can be a game-changer. By adding moisture to the air, humidifiers help prevent the drying of throat tissues, reducing the likelihood of snoring caused by irritation. Adding a few drops of sleep-promoting essential oils, such as lavender or chamomile, can enhance the soothing atmosphere, promoting relaxation and potentially minimizing snoring.

Weight Management and Exercise

Weight management emerges as a pivotal factor in snoring. Excess weight, particularly around the neck, can contribute to airway obstruction, intensifying snoring. Engaging in regular physical activity not only aids in weight control but also strengthens the muscles involved in breathing. Simple exercises targeting the throat and neck muscles can be particularly beneficial, offering a two-fold approach to addressing snoring.

Sleep Position Adjustments

The way we position ourselves during sleep can significantly impact snoring. Elevating the head with an extra pillow or investing in specially designed anti-snore pillows encourages a more open airway. Experimenting with different sleep positions, such as sleeping on the side instead of the back, can be a simple yet effective home remedy to reduce snoring.


Staying well-hydrated is not only beneficial for overall health but can also play a role in reducing snoring. Hydration keeps throat tissues lubricated, preventing them from becoming sticky and causing vibrations that contribute to snoring. Ensuring an adequate intake of water throughout the day is a simple yet impactful lifestyle change.

The Role of Sleep Hygiene

Creating a Relaxing Sleep Environment: The Bedtime Sanctuary

The physical space where we lay our heads can significantly influence the quality of our sleep. A bedroom designed for optimal sleep is one that is cool, dark, and quiet.

Investing in blackout curtains, maintaining a comfortable room temperature, and minimising noise disturbances contribute to a relaxing sleep environment. These adjustments not only enhance sleep quality but can also have a positive impact on snoring by fostering a calm atmosphere.

Establishing a Consistent Sleep Routine

Consistency is a cornerstone of effective sleep hygiene. By adhering to a regular sleep routine, the body's internal clock becomes synchronised, signaling when it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

A consistent routine, including activities like reading or taking a warm bath before bedtime, helps transition from wakefulness to sleep. This predictability can minimise disruptions and potentially reduce snoring.


In conclusion, addressing snoring involves a multifaceted approach, considering lifestyle changes, over-the-counter solutions, natural remedies, and innovative technologies. Tailoring interventions to individual needs ensures a more personalised and effective strategy.

Kennedy's Pharmacy provide a dedicated range of Snore Aids, available in the UK and Ireland. Make sure to check out our complete collection online!


  1. How do nasal strips work, and are they effective in reducing snoring? Nasal strips function by physically opening nasal passages, reducing airway resistance and potential snoring. While effectiveness varies among individuals, many find relief with this non-invasive solution.
  2. Can weight loss alone alleviate snoring, or are other lifestyle changes necessary? Weight loss can play a significant role in reducing snoring, especially if excess weight contributes to airway obstruction. However, adopting additional lifestyle changes, such as sleep position adjustments and exercise, enhances the effectiveness of snoring management. 
  3. What role do herbal teas play in addressing snoring, and are there any potential side effects? Herbal teas, known for their soothing properties, can help alleviate snoring by promoting relaxation. Common choices include chamomile or peppermint tea. Side effects are rare, but individuals with allergies should exercise caution.